Creation of a new outdoor seating, planting and lighting area on Tower Hill Terrace, which is located adjacent to the Tower of London. Works comprised of the manufacturing and installation of bespoke external seating, canopy seating, bin stores, lighting and planting works
Pre-fabrication and installation of a new nursery block to Children's House Nursery. Works included foundations, acoustic birch-faced ply, internal walls & suspended grid ceilings, mechanical and electrical works, vinyl & carpet floor coverings, stud partitions, kitchen, internal & external doors, ramps, handrails, services, external lighting and fencing
Formation of a new MRI scanning block within an existing farm building. Works included a new service duct to provide additional power, creation of a new sub-station hut, creation of foundation to carry the weight of the MRI facility, underpinning for new internal walls, formation of internal walls and all stud work, insulation and plastering
House refurbishment including creating of a roof terrace, timber cladding to external faces, new external windows and doors and internal renovation
Victorian house restoration and modernisation including electrics. opening up the living / dining room, re-vamping fireplaces, stairs, flooring, carpets, installing bespoke wardrobes and internal and external decoration and external landscaping